Research of the Conception of Legal Evidence and Discretional Evaluation of Evidence; Approach the Connotation of TCM Theory about Preventing and Treating Emotional Diseases in Neijing 对法定证据制度与自由心证制度内涵的探究《内经》防治情志病证理论的科学内涵探讨
The expert conclusion, a legal evidence of great value, should be examined and verified before being applied in investigation and judgment. 鉴定结论必须经过审查判断、查证属实以后,才能在侦查、审判中加以运用。
In ancient Chinese societies, testimony of witness, as well as affidavit, was recognized as a kind of legal evidence. 除了重视口供,中国古代社会也重视证人证言等其他种类的证据。
Legal evidence rules generally hold that how well work is performed should not be the subject of an admissibility hearing. 法定证据规则一般认为,程序如何更好的进行不应该是证据可采性听证会的主题。
Negotiable securities is the legal evidence that point to of all kinds account and represents certain right. 证券是指各类记载并代表一定权利的法律凭证。
Legal evidence and free proof are the two evidence system used by Common law countries. 法定证据和自由心证是大陆法系国家采用的证据制度。
As the legal evidence which determines facts, judicial expertise plays an important role, even a decisive role in the impartiality of lawsuit, arbitration and enforcement of administration law. 司法鉴定结论作为确定事实的法定证据,对诉讼、仲裁、行政执法等公正性起着重要乃至决定性作用。
Faults in the recording process will directly influence its effectiveness as legal evidence. 笔录制作过程中存在的各种毛病和漏洞直接影响其作为证据的法律效力。
The core of the effect of electronic documents is to justify their function as legal evidence in the judicial operation. 电子文件效力的核心是在司法运作过程中确认其被法律认可的凭证作用。
The fourth part analyses the part and standard of judicial control in respects like the purpose and spirit of legislation Legal evidence> Legal conditions and procedures, obvious loss of justice, etc. 第四部分主要从立法目的和精神、法律依据、法定条件和程序、显失公正等方面分析了司法控制的部位和标准。
This not only mirrors the requirement that economy is to keep pace with society, but offers principled legal evidence for setting up a perfect social security system. 这不仅反映了经济与社会协调发展的要求,而且为我国完善社会保障制度提供了原则性的法律依据。
System of expert witness is an integral part of system of legal evidence for countries with Anglo-American law system. It came to into being with the development and progress of science and technology, meeting the increasing need of modern criminal proceedings disputes. 专家证人制度是英美法系国家证据制度的重要组成部分,它是伴随着科学的发展和技术的进步而产生的,并满足了逐渐增多的现代型诉讼纠纷的需要。
In the evidence of civil action, the conclusion of legal appraisal is a kind of important legal evidence. 在民事诉讼证据中,鉴定结论是一种重要的法定证据种类。
In chapter four, I point out emphatically the negative influence on the evidence value of the electronic evidence from the form of legal evidence and the difference of original paper and duplicate in China. 在第四部分,笔者着重指出了我国的法定证据形式和原件、复制件证明力的区别对电子证据证明力的消极影响。
Illegal evidence exclusion rules is an understanding process which excludes illegal evidence and applies legal evidence to ascertain criminal facts. However, this process can also realize the legal values and lawsuit goals. 非法证据排除规则不仅是一个对非法证据加以排斥,并运用证据查明案件真相的认识过程,还是法律价值选择与诉讼目的实现的过程。
In the investigation phase of the investigation authorities have strong powers are a double-edged sword, both can be used to investigate the legal evidence, but also can be abused suspects that violations of the legitimate rights and interests of people. 侦查阶段的侦查机关所拥有的强大权力是一把双刃剑,既可以用来合法地进行调查取证,也可以被滥用以至于侵犯犯罪嫌疑人的合法权益。
As one of the seven forms of legal evidence, expert conclusion plays an irreplaceable role in legal proceedings. 鉴定结论作为我国的七种法定证据形式之一,常常在诉讼中发挥着其他证据不可替代的作用。
System of divinity evidence and system of legal evidence are no longer existent because of their limitations. Modern countries under the rule law widely adopt the system of free evaluation of evidence. 神示证据制度和法定证据制度因其局限性而不存在,现代法治国家诉讼法普遍采用的是自由心证证据制度。
Expert opinion is one of the country lawsuit legal evidence forms. It plays an important role to determine the case facts. 鉴定意见是我国民事诉讼法中明确规定的一种证据形式,对于案件事实的认定起着很重要的作用。
As one of the legal evidence forms, the conclusion of criminal judicial expertise is one important basis for the judicial apparatus to investigate the facts of the cases and to judge correctly. 刑事司法鉴定是司法鉴定在刑事诉讼活动中的具体运用,刑事司法鉴定结论作为法定的证据之一,是审判机关查明案件真相、正确定案量刑的重要依据。
At present, many people believe that the legal evidence system is a barbaric system of justice, but the historical truth is not the case. 当下,许多人认为法定证据制度是一种野蛮的司法制度,但历史真相并非如此。
The chapter first positioned the attribution of the polygraph conclusion in evidence law. We think that polygraph conclusion is attribute to indirect evidence and derived evidence, it should belong to the expert conclusion in our legal evidence. 本章首先对测谎结论的证据归属进行了定位,认为测谎证据属于间接证据、派生证据等,在我国法定证据中应属于鉴定结论。
Witness testimony is in our country legal evidence type one kind, is human who refers to the understanding case real situation statement which does to the Judicial organ. 证人证言是我国法定证据种类中的一种,是指了解案件真实情况的人对司法机关所做的陈述。
Evidence system experienced system of divinity evidence and legal evidence system in the course of its evolution before the establishment of the system of free proof. 在自由心证制度确立之前,证据制度在其演进过程中经历了神示证据制度和法定证据制度。
Legal evidence was officially formed in the Middle Ages, which closely linked with the Roman canon law proceedings. 法定证据正式形成于中世纪,其与罗马教会法诉讼程序紧密相连。
In the history of litigation, system of legal evidence makes afar cry from that of free evaluation. 在诉讼史上,法定证据制度与自由心证制度下的推理模式截然不同。
During the period between the judgment of God and the system of legal evidence, there was no clear criminal proof standard. 在神示证据制度与法定证据制度之间阶段没有明确的刑事证明标准。
Audio-visual materials, with the development of modern science and technology and the emergence of a new legal evidence. 视听资料是随着现代科学技术的发展而出现的一种新的诉讼证据。
The criminal identification opinion is one of the stipulated legal evidence types after the amendment of Chinese Criminal Procedure, which is laid down to solve the emerging special problems in the process of recognizing the case facts of criminal proceedings. 刑事鉴定意见是我国刑事诉讼法修订后所规定的法定证据种类的其中之一,用以解决刑事诉讼过程当中在认定案件事实时所出现的专门性问题。
With the development of human society, judicial proof system from irrational god shows evidence system and rigidity of legal evidence system, the transition to free heart certificate system. 随着人类社会的发展,司法证明制度也从非理性的神示证据制度和僵化的法定证据制度,过渡到了自由心证制度。